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Коллекционируем шизофреногенные паттерны

04 авг 2010

Коллекционируем шизофреногенные паттерны

1. Реакция не на сообщение собеседника, а на свое обобщение.

Примерно такая цепочка

Д внешн (слышу обращенный ко мне текст) -> [начало задержки по времени] -> Д внутр (метамодельный паттерн "чтение мыслей", т.е. придаю сообщению свой смысл) -> К (реагирую нересурсно - клиника, нарочито нересурсно - игра) -> Д внутр (обрабатываю по индукции) [завершение задержки по времени] -> Д (говорю обобщение).

Т.е задержка + индукция нарушают ожидаемую логику.


- Пойдем, я помогу тебе составить план твоего выступления.
- Ну-ну.
- Что?
- Ну, зачем ты мне это предлагаешь? Я же вижу, что на самом деле ты думаешь, что получится ерунда.

2. Реакция не на сообщение, а на метасообщение. Т.е. вместо ответа на сообщение, высказываю реакцию на сам факт обращения ко мне или на невербальные особенности такого обращения (свойственно начинающим калибровщикам).


- Пойдем, выпьем квасу.
- Вот у тебя при слове квас, поднялось плечо, наверное, на самом деле ты хочешь водки?
- Я хочу именно квасу.
- Вот. Уже по движению твой верхней губы и бровей калибуется реакция гнева. Не сердись!
- А пошел-ко ты на...
- Вот, я же говорил!

  21 685 Просмотров · 22 Ответы ( Последний ответ от Nancyfrank )


Who are sex doll torsos designed for?

45 минут назад

Sex doll torsos are a practical and attractive option for many people who seek companionship and intimacy but don’t want the heaviness and complexity of a full-sized sex doll. These compact and versatile alternatives cater to specific needs and preferences, making them a popular choice for a variety of reasons. Here’s a look at who sex doll torsos are designed for and the benefits they offer.
People with Limited Strength or Mobility
Full-sized sex dolls weigh between 50 and 100 pounds, making them difficult to maneuver, especially for those with limited strength or mobility. Sex doll torsos, on the other hand, are significantly lighter and easier to maneuver. This makes them ideal for those who may have difficulty lifting and positioning a full size sex doll. Whether due to age, physical limitations, or simply preferring a lighter option, sex doll torsos offer an easy-to-maneuver and satisfying alternative.
Space-conscious consumers
Not everyone has ample storage space, and a full-sized sex doll can take up a considerable amount of space. For those who live in smaller apartments or shared living situations, sex doll torsos offer a discreet and space-saving solution. These torsos can be easily stored in a closet or under a bed, making them a practical option for individuals with limited living space.
Customization Enthusiasts
Sex doll torsos come in a variety of designs and are often customized with different sex doll heads and other features. This level of customization allows users to create a doll that is exactly to their liking without committing to the size and weight of a full-sized model. For those who prefer a personalized experience, sex doll torsos offer a flexible and adaptable option.
Budget-Conscious Buyers
Full-sized sex dolls can be a significant financial investment. Sex doll torsos are smaller, simpler, and generally more affordable. They are an attractive option for those who want the experience of a realistic sex doll without spending too much. Budget-conscious buyers can enjoy the benefits of a high-quality, lifelike product without spending too much.
Discreet Users
For some, discretion is a primary concern. Sex doll torsos are smaller and easier to store than full-sized sex dolls, making them a more discreet option. Those who prefer to keep their personal activities private will appreciate the convenience of torsos, which can be quickly and easily hidden away.
For those who travel frequently, full-sized sex dolls are not portable. Sex doll torsos are compact enough to take with you, providing a consistent and familiar experience even when you are out and about. This portability is especially beneficial for those who spend a lot of time traveling for work or leisure.
Sex doll torsos are designed for a wide variety of people who want the benefits of a realistic sex doll but do not want the weight, size, and cost of a full-sized model. Whether due to physical limitations, space restrictions, budgetary considerations, or the need for discretion, sex doll torsos are a versatile and satisfying alternative. With the ability to customize and easily store these compact dolls, users can enjoy a personalized and convenient intimate experience.

  0 Просмотров · 0 Ответы


Who are sex doll torsos designed for?

47 минут назад

Sex doll torsos are a practical and attractive option for many people who seek companionship and intimacy but don’t want the heaviness and complexity of a full-sized sex doll. These compact and versatile alternatives cater to specific needs and preferences, making them a popular choice for a variety of reasons. Here’s a look at who sex doll torsos are designed for and the benefits they offer.
People with Limited Strength or Mobility
Full-sized sex dolls weigh between 50 and 100 pounds, making them difficult to maneuver, especially for those with limited strength or mobility. Sex doll torsos, on the other hand, are significantly lighter and easier to maneuver. This makes them ideal for those who may have difficulty lifting and positioning a full size sex doll. Whether due to age, physical limitations, or simply preferring a lighter option, sex doll torsos offer an easy-to-maneuver and satisfying alternative.
Space-conscious consumers
Not everyone has ample storage space, and a full-sized sex doll can take up a considerable amount of space. For those who live in smaller apartments or shared living situations, sex doll torsos offer a discreet and space-saving solution. These torsos can be easily stored in a closet or under a bed, making them a practical option for individuals with limited living space.
Customization Enthusiasts
Sex doll torsos come in a variety of designs and are often customized with different sex doll heads and other features. This level of customization allows users to create a doll that is exactly to their liking without committing to the size and weight of a full-sized model. For those who prefer a personalized experience, sex doll torsos offer a flexible and adaptable option.
Budget-Conscious Buyers
Full-sized sex dolls can be a significant financial investment. Sex doll torsos are smaller, simpler, and generally more affordable. They are an attractive option for those who want the experience of a realistic sex doll without spending too much. Budget-conscious buyers can enjoy the benefits of a high-quality, lifelike product without spending too much.
Discreet Users
For some, discretion is a primary concern. Sex doll torsos are smaller and easier to store than full-sized sex dolls, making them a more discreet option. Those who prefer to keep their personal activities private will appreciate the convenience of torsos, which can be quickly and easily hidden away.
For those who travel frequently, full-sized sex dolls are not portable. Sex doll torsos are compact enough to take with you, providing a consistent and familiar experience even when you are out and about. This portability is especially beneficial for those who spend a lot of time traveling for work or leisure.
Sex doll torsos are designed for a wide variety of people who want the benefits of a realistic sex doll but do not want the weight, size, and cost of a full-sized model. Whether due to physical limitations, space restrictions, budgetary considerations, or the need for discretion, sex doll torsos are a versatile and satisfying alternative. With the ability to customize and easily store these compact dolls, users can enjoy a personalized and convenient intimate experience.

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